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Soami Yoga Retreat Center

Obermillstatt 196, 9872 Obermillstatt, Austria
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The Soami Yoga Retreat Center’s vegan kitchen and nutrition programs compliment the yoga styles taught. Cooking is based on a fusion of European and Asian cuisine. All meals are prepared fresh three times a day using only fresh 100% organic ingredients. Meals are prepared with consideration to seasonal, regional and climate conditions. Potential food allergens such as milk, wheat products, yeast, animal protein and nightshade vegetables are strictly avoided. Desserts and beverages are sweetened using only rice malt or maple syrup. Meals are also free of genetically altered ingredients, artificial flavorings and preservatives. Drinks offered for guests include natural juices and shakes, Kukicha tea, green tea, Yogi tea, natural spring water, hot boiled water and caffeine-free grain coffee.
Obermillstatt 196, 9872 Obermillstatt, Austria
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