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Capim com Pimenta

Rio Vermelho Area, Florianopolis, Brazil
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Capim com Pimenta offers vegetarian and vegan meals for delivery only. Among those offered are veggie burgers, pizzas, lasagnas, samosas, breads, pies, pancakes, cakes, and chutneys. Orders are accepted until 10:00 am. Meals are delivered from 12:00 nn to 14:00. Capim com Pimenta's delicacies can also be found in Pra Levar, a bar and bookstore located in Rua João Gualberto Soares, Rio Vermelho, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina.
+55 (0) 48 32383379 Open facebook page
Rio Vermelho Area, Florianopolis, Brazil
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