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The Control Tower

Bunkers Hill, Egmere, Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6AZ, UK
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Located on the former RAF North Creake Airfield, The Control Tower is a wartime RAF station control tower converted into a unique vegetarian bed and breakfast. The style of vegetarian cooking is homemade hearty fare. Among those offered are potato cakes, sautéed mushrooms, roasted tomatoes, eggs (poached, fried, scrambled), griddled halloumi, home-baked beans, vegan sausages, porridge, drop scones with butter and jam, homemade muesli or cereals, toast with marmalade, local honey or preserves, local yogurts, fresh fruits, local apple, quince or pear juice, hot chocolate, fresh coffee, and organic tea. Also offered are lunch picnic boxes if heading for a long walk; cycling the local routes; strolling around the nearby towns and villages; a day on the beach; or just planning to read under one of the beech trees in the garden. Local ingredients are used whenever possible.
Bunkers Hill, Egmere, Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6AZ, UK
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