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Gourmet Vegetarian Dinners

305 North California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
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Gourmet Vegetarian Dinners are held every Monday night at 18:30 in the First Baptist Church. The vegan macrobiotic dinners consist of soup, grain, beans or bean products, vegetables, dessert, and beverage. Reservations are accepted and requested by Monday morning at 9:30. Seating is communal with 8-10 people at a table. Food can be ordered for takeaway. When a noteworthy speaker or other event is available, an after-dinner lecture or event is featured. Lectures are usually on macrobiotic or other health related topics conducted by a variety of speakers including macrobiotic counselors, medical doctors, cooking teachers, and people who have dealt successfully with serious diseases using macrobiotic or similar approaches. Other events have included performances by folk singers and vegetarian Chinese acrobats. Gourmet Vegetarian Dinners are sponsored by Peninsula Macrobiotic Community which is a secular, non-profit organization not affiliated with any religious organization.
305 North California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
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