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Becoming a veg: Not as hard as you think!

January 08, 2014 in Lifestyle by Ninar0307 | visit Ninar0307's blog
Blog posts: 4
Thumb_395146_10102503808424693_1616525445_n One of the best veggie dishes I ever ate. It was a tofu veg mixture on rice with sambal. I was in the middle of the Sumatran jungle eating this with my hands. Amazing.

Honestly I don’t think I had a hard time becoming a veggie. However, for many people it seems like an impossible task. I became veg cold turkey (pun intended) and it wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Here's why:

  • The number one reason why it was so easy for me to become vegetarian was because I researched! Yes, researched. Just take an hour to google what happens to your meat. What goes into it, how it's prepared, how the animal 'lives' and how it dies. If this doesn’t turn your stomach and make you want to quit immediately, then I guess you will forever be a meat eater. The main reason it was so easy for me was because I just couldn’t think of consuming this animal that was prepared in such a horrid and disgusting manner. The horrible images ran through my head immediately at the thought of eating meat, and for this simple reason I immediately stopped.

  • Another reason it was so easy was because I already had a few friends who were veggie. I went out to eat with them, talked to them about it and got recommendations on what awesome meals they prepare for themselves.

  • It becomes addicting. Yes, the feeling of not having rotting meat in your intestines is amazing! You are more energized and less lethargic and heavy feeling. You might also notice other small changes like weight loss and an overall feeling of greatness!

  • Lastly, the main reason is I wanted a better and healthier lifestyle. There isn't a need for meat in my diet in my eyes. Therefore I made the conscious choice to quit eating it because I knew of all the benefits of cutting it out and the consequence of continuing to eat it.

If you have the right frame of mind and the true desire to better your lifestyle and diet then it really shouldn’t be too hard to cut meat and dairy, if you so choose, out of your diet. There are plenty of yummy veggies friendly meal options to eat, promise!

Cover image by MeiTeng

Tags: vegetarian


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