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cgibson's blog

39 KarmaPoints | Miami, OK, USA

Vegan | Member since 2013-04-19

Blog posts: 4


Two Quick Tips for Going Ve...

November 03, 2013 in Travel by cgibson | visit cgibson's blog

The license plate frame on my car reads “GO VEGAN!” As I pulled out of a parking lot last week, a man stopped me and said, “’Go vegan’? Don’t you know you’re in cattle country?” I laughed a... read more


How to go Vegan without Bre...

October 15, 2013 in Lifestyle by cgibson | visit cgibson's blog

I know that going vegan is hard. When I first made the switch from vegetarian to vegan, I had no idea what I was doing. I spent a lot of money on veggie burgers and prepackaged meals. Fortunately, I discovered that I could be vegan witho... read more


3 Myths (and one half-truth...

September 18, 2013 in Health by cgibson | visit cgibson's blog

It’s expensiveThis is a common misconception. I even fall into this mind trap every once in a while. Fruits and vegetables are not very expensive, unless you’re buying an avocado or some type of heavy squash (and you probab... read more

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Meal Planning Tips for the ...

September 06, 2013 in Health by cgibson | visit cgibson's blog

My husband and I have friends in town this week, so we stocked up on a few groceries today in preparation for their arrival. We bought enough to make dinner and breakfast for six. It was expensive! When I got home, I knew I needed to rea... read more